Wednesday, November 13, 2013

UDL Lesson Plan
Title:  Silly Sally
Author:  Lisa Countryman
Subject:  Language, Cognitive, Fine motor
Grade Level:  Kindergarten  
IEP classification(s):  Developmental Delay, Autism
State Standard(s):
Common Core State Standards

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.3 With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.7 With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.K.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.

Lesson Goals
Student will identify characters/animals in the story.
Student will retell story using sequencing cards.
Student will identify positional concepts: next to, on top, under, in the middle, upside-down.
Student will cut along a straight line, with assistance from adult.
Student will paste characters in correct position according to teacher direction.
Instructional Methods
Anticipatory Set
I will read the book, Silly Sally. 
Before I read the book, I will talk about the different parts of the book (front, back, spine). I will discuss with the students the title of the book and the front cover. I will ask the students questions about what they think the book will be about according to the title and the cover. As I read the book I will discuss with the students any new vocabulary words they may not know. 
I will let the students go back to their desk to color the character of their choice. 
For the children with developmental delays, I will allow more time to respond and I will repeat important points when needed.
For the children who have autism, I will allow the student adequate space so they feel comfortable. I will also allow the students who need it sensory toys to hold in their hand so they will be able to focus.
I will follow each student's IEP as needed. 
Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
2.1 Define vocabulary and symbols

3.1  Provide or activate background knowledge

4.2 Provide varied ways to interact with materials

7.1  Increase individual choice and autonomy

8.3  Foster collaboration and support

Introduce and Model New Knowledge
The students will come back to their group.  I will recite the story, letting one child at a time come up and place the correct card/character on our board.  After reciting the story, I will talk about walking backwards and upside-down. I will introduce new vocabulary (prepositions: top, under, beside, in front of, behind). 
For the children with developmental delays, I will allow more time to respond and I will repeat important points when needed.
For the children who have autism, I will allow the student adequate space so they feel comfortable. I will also allow the students who need it sensory toys to hold in their hand so they will be able to focus.
I will follow each student's IEP as needed.
Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
2.1 Define vocabulary and symbols

3.1  Provide or activate background knowledge

4.2 Provide varied ways to interact with materials

7.1  Increase individual choice and autonomy

8.3  Foster collaboration and support

Guided Practice
I will lead the group in a game on an iPad, Laptop, or Smart board (depending on what is available). The computer game will help the students with prepositions, by showing a picture that appears in different positions. After playing the game, I will lead the students in a game where they place their puppet in different positions (behind, in front, beside, on top, or under).
For the children with developmental delays, I will allow more time to respond and I will repeat important points when needed.
For the children who have autism, I will allow the student adequate space so they feel comfortable. I will also allow the students who need it sensory toys to hold in their hand so they will be able to focus.
I will follow each student's IEP as needed.

Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
3.1  Provide or activate background knowledge

3.4  Support memory and transfer
4.2 Provide varied ways to interact with materials

4.3 Integrate assistive technologies
7.1  Increase individual choice and autonomy

8.3  Foster collaboration and support

Independent Practice
The students will be provided a work sheet, Over and Under the Bridge, where they will cut and paste the characters over, under, or beside the bridge. Teachers will help assist the students when needed. Before the students start, the teacher will give the students verbal directions and model where each character will go.
For the children with developmental delays, I will make sure they have as much direction as they need.
For the children who have autism, I will allow the student adequate time to complete the task, according to their ability to focus.
I will follow each student's IEP as needed.
Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
3.4  Support memory and transfer
4.2 Provide varied ways to interact with materials

8.2  Vary levels of challenge and support

I will have the students watch a video of the story on the Smart Board. We will discuss the story and what the students remember about it.
For the children who have autism, I will allow the student adequate space so they feel comfortable. I will also allow the students who need it sensory toys to hold in their hand so they will be able to focus.
I will follow each student's IEP as needed.
Recognition “What”
Multiple means of Representation
Strategic “How”
Multiple means of Action and Expression
Affective “Why”
Multiple means of Engagement
3.1  Provide or activate background knowledge

4.3 Integrate assistive technologies

8.3 Foster collaboration and communication

Collaboration Practices
As a general education teacher, I will use team teaching and and a lead and support system. As a lead teacher I will plan the lesson and set objectives and goals for each student according to their IEP. I will direct any support staff to follow the plan as applies to the individual student. I will collaborate with the Special Education teacher to determine what goals and approaches need to be followed for each individual student. 
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students 
For those students who are ELLs, I will allow more time for the student to process, decode, and respond to questions. I will also give my ELL students the opportunity to go over the story one-on-one as needed, according to the student's individual needs. I believe that any visual aids that I use in the classroom for my students with autism will benefit my ELL students. 
            Formative (Informal- written)
I will use an assessment grid to document what skills each child is working on. I will document nouns and phrases they know, prepositions, fine motor skills, and direction following.
Sequencing cards, prepared by teacher
Felt board or Velcro board
iPad or laptop with position game
Over and Under the Bridge work page